
Finding solutions through mediation

“Mediated solutions can lift a tremendous weight. Ending a dispute through mediation is a most effective use of time and energy. It’s a journey worth exploring and an objective worth the effort.”

Problems can occur in the best businesses and relationships. Disputes can often arise in the most straightforward commercial agreements and transactions. EW Mediation is a cost-effective opportunity to move forward with a mediated settlement.


Your route to agreement

forest path lined with tall trees


  • Business to business contract disagreements

  • Partnership disputes

  • Professional negligence claims

  • Conflicts with suppliers or customers

  • Property or construction disputes
    Debt recovery

  • School or educational disputes

  • Divisions within organisations

  • Landlord and tenant disputes

picturesque lake encircled by vibrant trees and towering mountains

Early Neutral Evaluation

Early neutral evaluation (ENE) is a type of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) that can help parties resolve their disputes without going to court. It involves an impartial evaluator who gives a non-binding opinion on the strengths and weaknesses of each party’s case, as well as the likely outcome of litigation and opinion on the approximate cost consequences. The evaluator will be an expert in their respective field of law.

The evaluator may also suggest possible settlement options or areas of agreement. The ENE process is normally confidential. ENE can be used as a stand-alone assessment or as a precursor to mediation, where the parties use an evaluator’s opinion as a basis for further negotiation with the help of a mediator.

An evaluator will not consider complex issues of fact. In other words, they will not hear all of the evidence usually presented at trial. They offer more of a reality check and a legal reference point for parties who may feel able to agree a settlement based upon an evaluator’s opinion.

vehicle travels along a serpentine road by the ocean

Expert Determination

Expert determination (ED) is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) that involves an independent and neutral expert who makes a binding decision on a disputed technical issue. It is a confidential, swift and cost-effective method that can avoid expensive and protracted litigation. Expert determination can be used as a stand-alone process or in conjunction with other ADR processes, such as mediation, where the expert can act as an authority on an important issue that needs to be resolved.

The parties can agree on the scope, procedure and rules of the expert determination, together with the evidence to be considered. The decision is confidential and can be legally enforceable if the parties agree this as part of the framework. The expert can be appointed by the parties or by a neutral body.


“So many courts and so many issues. So many disputes crying out for collaborative resolution.”

As a police officer, I was at the sharp end of serious disputes. As a prosecutor, I helped bring many to justice. As a regulatory and defence lawyer, I protect rights and careers. As a manager at a large law firm, I steer a path through many competing interests. All of this comes together in EWLS mediation.